all postcodes in TF10 / NEWPORT

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Postcode Area

TF / Telford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TF10 7AB 20 52.769708 -2.378562
TF10 7AF 6 52.769348 -2.378722
TF10 7AD 6 52.767303 -2.377148
TF10 7AG 4 52.769014 -2.378155
TF10 7AJ 2 52.767835 -2.376634
TF10 7AN 14 52.767383 -2.377386
TF10 7AP 11 52.766708 -2.377618
TF10 7AQ 19 52.768225 -2.377511
TF10 7AR 8 52.767355 -2.377994
TF10 7AT 18 52.768334 -2.37821
TF10 7AU 21 52.769011 -2.379044
TF10 7AW 5 52.766773 -2.377114
TF10 7AX 3 52.768784 -2.379769
TF10 7AY 12 52.769547 -2.379998
TF10 7AZ 1 52.769586 -2.380103
TF10 7BA 7 52.769263 -2.378809
TF10 7BB 0 52.770326 -2.381027
TF10 7BD 1 52.769293 -2.38182
TF10 7BE 12 52.770579 -2.381609
TF10 7BF 0 52.762309 -2.375771